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  1. “Understanding and Addressing Disparities in Triage and Disposition Decisions in the Emergency Department,” collaborator, funded by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in collaboration with Mehul Patel (UNC Department of Emergency Medicine), Nilay T. Argon (UNC Department of Statistics and Operations Research), Chris Evans (UNC Department of Emergency Medicine), Abhi Mehrotra (UNC Department of Emergency Medicine), and Yufeng Liu (UNC Department of Statistics and Operations Research). August 1, 2022 – July 31, 2023.
  2. “Collaborative Research: Distribution of Patients to Medical Facilities in Mass-Casualty Events,” co-Principal Investigator, funded by National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Nilay Tanik Argon (University of North Carolina), James Winslow (Wake Forest University), and Lane Smith (Wake Forest University), University of North Carolina Budget: $325,078, Total Budget: $379,408 (September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2019).
  3. ”Quantifying Patient Complexity to Improve Emergency Department Performance,Innovation Pilot Grant Award — UNC Health Care and the School of Medicine, in collaboration with Debbie Travers (Co-Principal Investigator, UNC School of Nursing), Abhi Mehrotra (Co-Principal Investigator, UNC Department of Emergency Medicine), Nilay Tanik Argon (Co-Investigator, UNC Department of Statistics and Operations Research), Jeff Strickler (Co-Investigator, UNC Healthcare), Kenneth Lopiano and Thomas Bohrmann (Consultants, Roundtable Analytics). Total Budget: $ 49,981 (June 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016).
  4. “Collaborative Research: In Search of the Greatest Good with Imperfect Triage in the Aftermath of Mass-Casualty Events,” funded by National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Nilay Tanik Argon (University of North Carolina) and James Winslow (Wake Forest University), University of North Carolina Budget: $390K, Total Project Budget: $458K (September 1, 2012 – August 31, 2015).
  5. “Collaborative Research: Priority Dispatching of Patients in the Aftermath of a Mass-Casualty Event,” funded by National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Nilay Tanik Argon (University of North Carolina) and James Winslow (Wake Forest University), University of North Carolina Budget: $360K, Total Project Budget: $396K (September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2012).
  6. “Collaborative Research: Patient Triage in the Aftermath of Mass Casualty Events,” funded by National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Nilay Tanik Argon (University of North Carolina) and James Winslow (Wake Forest University), Budget: University of North Carolina Budget: $312K, Total Project Budget: 349K (September 15, 2006 – August 31, 2009).
  7. “Operations Research in Emergency Response,” funded by University of North Carolina Junior Faculty Development Program, Budget: $5K (January 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005).
  8. “Pricing for Optimal Resource Allocation,” funded by University of North Carolina University Research Council, Budget: $4K (May 1, 2005 – April 30, 2007).